Society for German Colonization

The Society for German Colonization (Gesellschaft für Deutsche Kolonisation, GfdK) was founded on March 28, 1884, by Dr. Karl Peters. The goal of the Gesellschaft für Deutsche Kolonisation was to acquire German colonial territories in overseas countries.

In the autumn of 1884 Dr. Peters proceeded, together with Count Joachim von Pfeil und Klein Ellguth and Dr. Karl Jühlke, to Zanzibar and from there to the East African mainland. During this journey he concluded treaties with the chiefs of Useguha, Nguru, Ijsagara and Ukami, in the name of the Gesellschaft für Deutsche Kolonisation.

Returning to Europe early in 1885, he formed the Deutsch-Ostafrikanischen Gesellschaft, which speedily obtained an imperial charter.

The Gesellschaft für Deutsche Kolonisation was merged in 1887 with the Deutschen Kolonialverein into the Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft.

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